Field Studies Council Northern Ireland

Field Studies Council Northern Ireland

Block 1 Ground Floor ARC Development
2 Queens Road
United Kingdom

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Field Studies Council (FSC) is an environmental education charity providing informative and enjoyable opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to discover, explore, and understand the environment.

FSC Northern Ireland provides fieldwork and outdoor learning courses across Belfast and beyond. Our centre in the Titanic Quarter, offers a base in the heart of the city, with easy transport links and access to sites to study a variety of geography and science topics, such as regeneration, tourism and ecology.

The centre provides fieldwork opportunities for all ages from primary to university level, with a wide variety fieldwork courses across Belfast and in the Titanic Quarter itself - one of the world's largest urban, waterfront regeneration projects.

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  • Patricia Deeney