Federation of Experts by Experience

Contact Details

Maeve Mills
We are a regional mental health service user led and run organisation who came into being around 2006 following the Bamford Review of mental health policies and practice in N.Ireland which had a small service user group involved in the Review. We continued to meet after this to provide mutual support and to provide input into current service provision, such as training of mental health professionals in Mental Health Risk Assessment and Management in 2010 to 2012, and in responding to consultations about proposed changes in legislation which resulted in the Mental Capacity Act NI 2016. We have now achieved charity status and wish to expand out membership and increase out activities , partly through social media and organising more frequent conferences/workshops.

Federation of Experts by Experience's Content


Federation of Experts by Experience

The Federation of Experts By Experience would like to invite you and your members to this 'Taking Back Control' Conference taking place on Thursday 29th November from 9am - 3.30pm in Grovenor House Grand Hall, Glengall Street, Belfast.
29 November 2018

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  • Maeve Mills