Families Moving On
Families Moving On
6 / 6A Dublin Road
BT78 1ES
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Maureen Ownes
Carers Community development Health and wellbeingAudience
Carers Mental health Victim support
Families Moving On is a registered charity (XT30971) working with victims of terrorism in Co. Tyrone. Families Moving On allow members to embark on a personal journey where they can recover, grow and sustain a sense of wellbeing and focus on moving forward
Families Moving On have a growing membership serving all ages and to all sectors of the community.
Services we provide include;
- Complementary Therapies - reflexology or massage
- Social Support coffee mornings, respite and residential trips
- Befriending Service and Hospital Transportation Scheme
- Personal development courses such as cookery, jewellery making, crafts etc.
- Transgenerational activities - working with young people
- Counselling Referrals through befriending
- Referrals to other services such as Addiction services
- Welfare advice and support - form filling
- Practical day to day social support
- Access NI checks available
- ......................and much more!
To become a member, simply fill out an application form which can be found on our website or contact FMO and we will distribute one out to you. Eligable members must be affected through terrorism in Co. Tyrone - they may be beareved, injured, traumatised, related to someone beareved, injured, traumatised, forced to move home as a result of sectarianism etc.
For more information please feel free to contact Families Moving On.
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Type of Organisation
- Maureen Ownes