
Building 80/81
BT47 6FA
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Niall O'Doherty

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Mon:   9am - 5pm
Tue:    9am - 5pm
Wed:   9am - 5pm
Thu:    9am - 5pm
Fri:      9am - 4pm 

Evide is a ‘tech for good’ organization that specializes in digital solutions for frontline organisations to provide evidence of their social value & impact. 

At Evide, we develop digital solutions to help organisations to report on their outputs, outcomes, measure impact and prove their social value.

Impact Tracker is an online data application designed to enable organisations to streamline project data, measure outcomes and demonstrate the impact of their work.  The system has been developed to encourage users to gather data to identify patterns and trends within a project’s beneficiaries and services. Understanding its data and impact can help an organization to build their resources, capacity and skills to maximize their social and economic impact, sustainability and efficiency.

The software can be used by single or consortia based projects to capture data on beneficiaries and participants, all engagements, track distance travelled, monitor activity participation, session notes, attendance and more. It has integrated reporting to report on activity output indicators (KPIs), cost benefit analysis and soft outcomes.

Impact Tracker currently enables users to capture of a wide variety of quantitative output and qualitative outcome indicators. These include personal contact details, registration and referral data including; equality and diversity, employment status, qualification (entry, expected, gained), disability (types), background/profile, health and wellbeing, and support required.

Within Impact Tracker a project can create many programmes/services and these in turn have linked activities and sessions. Activities can be assigned to funders so objectives and targets and be monitored against results and viewed in real time. Activities can be scheduled by date/time/venue, set with qualifications where participants can be tracked by their attendance, completion and destination.

The system comes with a one-to-one case management feature, a CRM for logging and reporting on correspondence logs/reminders/tasks with notes and time spent with individuals. Furthermore, external documents such as action and personal development plans can be uploaded and attached.

System users can create and define their own project outcomes and indicators. Outcomes and indicators can be assigned to projects, programmes, sessions & activities. Distance travelled can be tracked and reported on for each beneficiary. Real time reporting and performance tracking allows users to learn what services are effective and to identify where improvements or actions are required.



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  • Niall O'Doherty