Eden Project Communities

Eden Project Communities

Eden Project Communities
C/o The National Lottery Community Fund
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Grainne McCloskey
Big Lunches provide an opportunity for people of all ages to come together in an atmosphere of sharing and participation where positive interactions happen naturally, celebrating living local and strengthening community and wellbeing.

Our aim is to improve the happiness and wellbeing of people across the UK by helping to build more resilient and better connected communities.

Eden supports and encourages people all over the UK to take positive actions that strengthen local connections and build stronger communities.

We bring people together to build their confidence and grow and share their talents. We support individuals and communities as they create positive change to tackle local issues that matter to them most.

We started off with a very simple idea: one day a year when, for a few glorious hours, cars stop, shyness stops, gloom lifts and the UK comes together in the street to meet, greet, share, swap, sing, play and laugh for no reason other than that we all need to.

And so The Big Lunch was born. Since it began in 2009, The Big Lunch — the UK’s annual get together for neighbours — has grown to improve neighbourhoods and reduce isolation. Its now the biggest UK get together for neighbours.

Neighbours and community groups are invited to join in and have your own get togethers.Visit https://www.edenprojectcommunities.com/sign-up-and-get-your-free-big-lunch-starter-pack

to order our FREE Big Lunch pack, full of tips and ideas to get you started.

Eden Project Communities's Services

Eden Project Communities's Content

Free Eden Project Communities online training open for application from anyone with a neighbourhood project or community idea https://t.co/qI0KF5gjmX

Eden Project Communities

Free Eden Project Communities online training open for application from anyone with a neighbourhood project or community idea https://t.co/qI0KF5gjmX
People sharing food and laughing

Eden Project Communities

The Eden Project has partnered with Donegall Pass Community Forum to invite people from across Belfast to enjoy a day together using nature as a tool for community connection this Friday 14 June. The free event is open to anyone interested in community.
People sharing food and laughing

Eden Project Communities

Eden Project Communities invites you to join an event to bring people together, connect to nature and explore community action on your doorstep. Join us for this free one-day get together as we celebrate and explore.
Informal Meetup Outdoor Activity Training/Advice Workshop

Eden Project Communities

An event to bring people together, connect to nature and explore community action on your doorstep. Join us for this free one-day event as we celebrate and explore the amazing things that can happen when people come together in Belfast.
14 June 2024
People sharing food and laughing

Eden Project Communities

Eden Project Communities are inviting people across Northern Ireland to join with them to make June the Month of Community with The Big Lunch. www.thebiglunch.com
Two people eating lunch and looking happy

Eden Project Communities

Derry’s event will shine a light on impactful projects already making a difference locally and provide practical workshops and plenty of creative ideas for injecting community spirit where you live.
Green and Blue logo with teacups and cakes asking people to sign up to The Big Lunch with the offer of vouchers to help events.

Eden Project Communities

100 x £20 Food Vouchers giveaway, perfect for Volunteers Week and Month of Community celebrations. Simply sign up at www.thebiglunch.com and put your plans on the map.
People celebrating at a table sharing food and laughing

Eden Project Communities

The Big Lunch, surplus food charity, FareShare and City & Guilds have joined forces to launch special award celebrating community worth £5000. More at https://www.edenprojectcommunities.com/sharing-tables-award

Eden Project Communities

Eden Project Communities events presents... Community Connected Together Community workers and volunteers lets come together this Good Relations Week for a networking lunch to share connect and learn from each other.
18 September 2023
Princes Trust staff, frineds family and University of Ulster and Junior Park run Volunteers organised an enthusiastic beach clean pictured here enjoying a sweet treat ahead of the Coronation Big Lunch. The Coronation weekend includes The Coronation Big Lunch 7 May and Big Help out 8 May.

Eden Project Communities

Coronation Celebrations commenced early in Northern Ireland when The Prince’s Trust Northern Ireland staff, and friends enjoyed a Coronation Big Lunch as a reward after a very enthusiastic beach clean at the weekend.

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  • Grainne Mccloskey