Early Years - Family Health Initiative

Early Years - Family Health Initiative

63 Main Street
BT77 0BG
United Kingdom

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Aveen Greenan


Early Years- the organisation for young children is running a family health initiative "Healthier Choices, Healthier Families" with a local perspective working within the Southern Trust Area as part as the UP4IT! Project.

Early Years – the organisation for young children is running FREE family healthy lifestyle programmes called the Family Health Initiative, which is funded by the Public Health Agency in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust areas until March 2015. It has also been previously funding by BHSCT Health Improvement ‘Fitter Futures for All’ which enabled the completion of programmes in Belfast.


There are 2 programmes currently on offer to families:

Family Health Initiative for parents and children 0 – 5 years

The Family Health Initiative is a fun active health promotion programme for families with children under five years old. It provides parents with useful information on how to adopt healthy lifestyle behaviours. The programme encourages parents over eight weeks to explore the importance of healthy eating and physical activity in their lives and that of their families.

Layout of programme:

Parent Time – 45 mins discussion

Food Time –   15mins snack

Family Time – 30mins activity


Topics that will be covered –

Week 1: Reflecting on Meal Times

Week 2: Reflecting on Physical Activity

Week 3: Getting the Balance Right

Week 4: Gimme 5

Week 5: Food Labels & Shopping

Week 6: Managing Behaviours

Week 7: Healthy Weight & Self-Esteem

Week 8: Sharing & Reflection

Each week parents and carers discuss a variety of health related topics in a group setting. While the information sessions are being delivered, children are given the opportunity to have fun and use their creativity through play, painting, play dough, and many fun activities. Parents and toddlers are also given the opportunity to be active together during activity time, story time and they learn each week from puppets ‘Ben and friends’.

A healthy snack is provided during the session, encouraging children to try new healthy foods and tastes. Each week families receive free incentives e.g. beach balls, shopping bags and water bottles to encourage them to make healthier choices in their own homes.  


Family Health Initiative for parents and children 8 – 11 years

Early Years also offers a fun interactive programme for parents and children aged 8 – 11 years. This programme helps support families with children to become healthier and get more active together. The programme is jam-packed with fun activities including swimming, football, inventive new games, smoothie making, cookery sessions and much, much more.  This programme allows families the opportunity to spend time together trying new sports and tasting new foods.  A dietician will also make it easier for you to make healthier food choices and will advise you about healthy eating in a fun and interactive way.

Layout of programme –

Family Time –  45 mins discussion

Snack Time –   15 mins

Activity Time – 45 mins activity


Topics that will be covered –


Week 1 -        Getting to know you

Week 2 -        Reflecting on Physical Activity

Week 3 -        Getting the Balance Right

Week 4 -        “Gimme 5”

Week 5 -        Reflecting on Meal Times

Week 6 -        Ready, Steady, Cook

Week 7 -        Labels & Fast food

Week 8 -        Supermarket Tour

Week 9 -        Lunchbox Ideas

Week 10 -      Routines

Week 11 -      Quiztastic

Week 12 -      Sharing and Reflection

For further information on The Family Health Initiative or to register on this programme please contact Diane on 028 85549416 or 07791334012 to find out if there is a programme in your area. Check out our website on www.early-years.org/health for photos and more.



The Family Health Initiative is funded by the Public Health Agency.

Active Communities Coaches support this programme and are funded by the ‘Sport Northern Ireland lottery Active Communities programme’

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  • Aveen Greenan