Derry Adventist
Derry Adventist
58 Prehen Road
BT47 2TN
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Weiers Coetser
We believe in a dignity that is inherent in each person and we are committed to improving the quality of human life throughout he world. We do this through friendships, events and services.
We run a health club once a month.
Health Expo's and cooking demonstartions
Seminars that cover issues such as budgeting, parenting, bible study, etc.
Worship Service Times:
Saturday (Sabbath)
- Family worship service 11.00am - 12.00
- Break/Informal Conversation 12.00 - 12.20
- Bible Study (Adults and children) 12.20 - 01.30pm
- Lunch 2.00pm Everyone is welcome to stay and eat.
- Informal study and prayer. We try to meet up in various places for stimulating discussions, Bible study, and prayer.
- If you would like to join us for these friendly conversations, please contact us, and we will let you know when and where we meet. Contact person: Weiers Coetser, Telephone/Text: +447787755231.