Cuan Mhuire NI

Cuan Mhuire NI

Cuan Mhuire
200 Dublin Road
BT35 8RL
United Kingdom


The first Cuan Mhuire Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre was founded in 1966 by Sr. Consilio Fitzgerald. Cuan Mhuire offers a 12 week residential abstinence based residential addiction and housing support service. We provide short-term supportive accommodation for those who are most marginalized and who are homeless or in danger of becoming homeless because of their addiction. Cuan Mhuire supports a wide range of adults at risk who have complex needs.

In addition, Cuan Mhuire recognises the importance of recovery not only for the person in treatment but for the whole family.  Consequently, it is committed to a whole family approach to the delivery of recovery services.

Facilities and Services

Cuan Mhuire has Addiction Support and Treatment Centres in:

  • Athy, Co. Kildare (Drug, Alcohol and Gambling)
  • Bruree, Co. Limerick (Drug, Alcohol and Gambling)
  • Coolarne, Co. Galway (Alcohol and Gambling)
  • Farnanes, Co. Cork (Drug, Alcohol and Gambling)
  • Newry, Co. Down (Alcohol and Gambling)

In addition, it has Transition Houses for people in recovery in:

  • Cork
  • Dublin
  • Galway
  • Limerick
  • Monaghan
  • Newry

Cuan Mhuire Newry Residential Support Programme:

Cuan Mhuire offers a 12 week comprehensive abstinence based residential, addiction recovery and housing support programme to persons (male and female) who are eighteen years of age and over and who are suffering from addiction.

2. Values


Cuan Mhuire’s mission is to reach out to every person in need of healing.  It is directed in a special way towards those suffering from addiction and its effects. We welcome into Cuan Mhuire, those who feel most neglected and marginalised.


Each person coming to Cuan Mhuire is seen and valued for who they are – unique, original, unrepeatable, made to the image and likeness of God.


The Family dimension of Cuan Mhuire is one of its greatest strengths. As a family we live, and work together in a spirit of mutual respect, support and love. It is these values we seek to live out as a way of life to be experienced by all who come to Cuan Mhuire seeking personal support and professional help.


Cuan Mhuire, in its organisational structures, strives at all times to foster a Person centred culture, directed towards developing and sharing ‘Best Practice’, in all of its activities. It is committed to excellence across all organisational domains, building on the values which have sustained it from its inception.


The highest expression of Cuan Mhuire’s vision is the transcendent nature of the human person and their ultimate call to share eternal life with God, their Father. It is the power of this reality which ultimately sustains Cuan Mhuire and transforms those within its community as well as those whom they are called to support.

3. Aims

  • To provide an environment in which people who feel rejected and dejected because of their addiction become aware of, and learn to deal with the underlying problems relating to these addictions and discover their uniqueness, goodness, giftedness, and their real purpose in life
  • To provide a warm and receptive, supportive and caring, healthy and safe, secure and "dry" home, free from intimidation, abuse or unfair discriminatory practices in order to: provide emotional support, practical housing support and addiction recovery services to all our residents: involving, consulting and empowering our residents in the content, delivery and quality of our housing support and alcohol recovery services, including supporting each residents drive for independence: build trust and respect between residents and with staff: rebuild self-confidence, self-discipline, self-respect and self-esteem within each resident.
  • All of this with the overarching aims of promoting each resident's personal development to achieve and maintain a tenancy or other independent tenure and to live a more rewarding and productive healthier and addiction-free independent lifestyle within society.
  • To offer a comprehensive twelve week (alcohol and Gambling), abstinence-based, residential addiction treatment/support programme.
  • To offer family support to the relatives of those in treatment.
  • To offer a two year Aftercare programme to those in recovery and their families.
  • To ensure staff have the necessary training/retraining.
  • The overarching aim of all our support services is to enhance the capacity of all our residents to achieve and maintain a tenancy or other independent tenure and to live a healthier independent and addiction-free life.
  • To maintain the high standards required for CHKS accreditation and ISO9001: 2008 Certification
  • To maintain the high standards required for the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) and NIHE Supporting People accreditation and certification.

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  • Oonagh Moore