Creggan Enterprises Ltd

Creggan Enterprises Ltd

Rath Mor Centre
Bligh's Lane
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Creggan Enterprises (CE) is a registered charity (NIC 516933731) and a social economy initiative established as a company limited by guarantee in 1991, generating income from its services, rent and grant aid. CE seeks to contribute to the common good, strengthen the economic and social infrastructure of the community, and promote progress towards a more socially just and inclusive society. CE manage and operate out of the Rath Mor Community Complex in Derry.

Aims & Objectives:

The promotion, for the benefit of the public, of urban regeneration in areas of economic, physical and social deprivation (and in particular the Creggan area) by all or any of the following means: the relief of financial hardship/unemploymentthe advancement of education, training and work experience; the provision of business development/support and a wide variety of programmes / services which support economic and social inclusion; the provision of trauma support services, counselling and wellbeing programmesthe provision of intermediation, peace-building, good relations and reconciliation support service and programmes; the provision of personal development programmes and dedicated support activities for young people; the provision of wellbeing, educational, heritage and cultural support programmes and activities for older people and the general public; the provision of a neutral community venue, providing access to a range of free cultural, heritage and digital activities and events for all ages and backgrounds.

Creggan Enterprises Ltd's Content

Job | Part Time

Lifehack Journeys Youth Support Worker

Creggan Enterprises Ltd

£25,545.00 (£8,174.40 Pro Rata)

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  • Richie McRory