Connected Health Coh-Sync Project

Connected Health Coh-Sync Project

3B Boucher Business Studios Glenmachan Place,
BT12 6QH
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Community Health Synchronisation (CoH Sync) Project in Dungannon and Armagh areas working alongside the Southern Health and Social Care Trust.

The main aim of the FREE service is to help individuals or groups in the following areas of Health & Wellbeing:

Physical Activity Nutrition Mental Health & Wellbeing Alcohol Smoking

Through these challenging times, we are exploring new initiatives to reach those most in need of our support. Our qualified teams can offer health and well-being programmes and services and develop Health Plans (outlined below) all of which can be delivered online:

Chi Me : 4 weeks

Chi Me is a series of Tai Chi influenced exercises that can help improve: Muscular strength, balance, co-ordination, flexibility and relaxation. As well as the numerous benefits that Chi Me can bring, it also creates a wonderful sense of wellbeing and can improve quality of life.  Chi Me can be easily adapted for anyone, from the most fit to those confined to wheelchairs.

Chair Aerobics (CBA): 4 weeks

CBA is generally for older people and those with limited mobility, mental and physical disabilities, and learning disabilities. It is a fun packed session to music.

Cook It Programmes : 4-6 weeks

These are based on the Southern Trusts Cook It Programmes and help to teach people how to cook basic meals as well teaching about nutrition, portion sizes, reading labels and how to shop wisely.

Aerobic based Exercise Classes: 4 weeks

These are designed around the general abilities of the group. Usually circuit based and no equipment is necessary.

Tapping EFT : 1 Class (1 hour)

Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a powerful stress relief technique. Tapping is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.

Colour Breathing : 1 Class (1 hour)

Color breathing is a simple stress reducing activity that may be quickly learned. In short, involves mentally picturing/meditating on a color that represents how you want to feel or and what you want to let go in your life (stressor)

Mental Health and overall Well-being Talks/Presentations – (can be general or cover specific areas)

And Finally, we also provide Befriending Calls & Support to those who may need it especially during the pandemic when people are isolated and maybe feeling lonely. It may also help families to know we are checking in on them over the phone one day a week.

If you or a group you’re involved would be interested in anything mentioned please do not hesitate to contact me. And also remember when restrictions are lifted we are able to do all these programmes plus our Walking Groups either in community centres or in the great outdoors!

Connected Health Coh-Sync Project's Content

Online / Virtual Workshop

Connected Health Coh-Sync Project

26 April - 24 May 202129 April - 20 May 2021

More Information

Type of Organisation



  • Nicola Mitchell