Commedia of Errors Theatre Company

United Kingdom

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A Commedia of Errors Theatre Company is a Commedia dell’Arte troupe working both with new writing and modern adaptations of classic texts, as well as providing training in this highly expressive, physical and comedic style.

What We Do

A Commedia of Errors Theatre Company is committed to creating theatre that reveals why Commedia dell’Arte became the world’s first commercial theatre; was loved all over Europe and is once again establishing itself as an innovative and inclusive theatrical style.

Commedia dell'Arte, Romeo and Juliet, Queen Mab, Physical Storytelling

As theatre makers we are dedicated to exploring texts from different eras; finding the humour inherent within them and utilising it to create new interpretations. We want to tell stories in an exciting, innovative way, revealing their drama and comedy, whilst imbuing them with an exciting new style of performance.

Utilising a plethora of performance skills including improvisation, physical theatre, masks, comedy and audience interaction, we create performances that both entrance and enrapture audiences. We woo audiences through skill, sheer energy and a great sense of fun.

Our shows seek to excite, entertain and educate whilst enticing new audiences to the theatre. A Commedia of Errors strives to create work that’s accessible for people from all strata of society, without shying away from the inherent theatricality of the form. As a company we provide workshops and courses, in order to, spread the skills and knowledge of Commedia dell’Arte to scholars, actors and anyone else with an interest. It is an art form too long ignored by the theatre industry in the UK.

Our education work is designed to teach the fundamentals required for Commedia in order to enhance the performance skills of our students no matter what media they choose to work in,  whilst creating a wider understanding of Commedia as a whole

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  • Gary Dower