Coleraine Cats Protection

c/o 270 Belfast Rd,
Dundonald, Belfast
BT16 1UE
United Kingdom

We started up in December 2010, as a group of volunteers keen to make a positive difference in the welfare of cats in the Coleraine area. The branch has several pens for rehoming purposes but the predominant focus is on neutering with the branch being proactive in neutering campaigns for both owned and feral cats. Do you want to make a difference to the lives of cats? We are looking for a number of volunteer positions to help us with the running of the branch. Get in touch via email or facebook if you can help us to help the cats in this area. If you require advice from the branch please get in touch via email or facebook. All our volunteers are unpaid and have other full time commitments outside of Cats Protection so we will try to get back to you as soon as we can.

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  • Catherine Lynn