Aulino Wann and Associates

Aulino Wann and Associates

34 Windsor Avenue
BT38 9RX
United Kingdom

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Aulino Wann and Associates

Aulino Wann & Associates offer a wide range of environmental services to the community and voluntary sector, central and local governments throughout Ireland.

Our services include:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) project management and co-ordination.
  • Up to date advice on project design, licensing and planning issues, environmental constraints, environmental grants, mitigation and monitoring measures.
  • Nature conservation site management plans and species and habitat action plans.
  • Recreational planning on natural heritage sites – nature trail design and mapping using ArcView GIS software.
  • Restoration ecology – habitat creation in conjunction with our associate company Ecoseeds Ltd. ( and invasive species (e.g. Japanese Knotweed and Giant Hogweed) mapping and control.
  • Natural heritage survey, inventory and mapping using desktop-based and mobile GIS software. We carry out habitat, bird, amphibian, fish and mammal surveys using the most up-to-date UK survey methodologies for Environmental Impact Assessments, BRE Ecohomes Scheme and planning appeals and condition compliance. We use ArcPad 7.0 mobile GIS software and customised data input forms on Trimble handheld computer to increase the efficiency and accuracy of data capture and reduce costs.
  • Compilation of environmental interpretation materials for websites and printed media. Through our associate companies we can also offer web design and printed material design services.
  • Bespoke environmental education courses.

Established in 2003, we have already built up an impressive portfolio of clients including:

  • Health Estates Agency Northern Ireland – biodiversity survey of six Ulster hospitals
  • Northern IrelandOffice – biodiversity survey of Hillsborough Castle
  • Department of Finance & Personnel – biodiversity survey of Stormont Estate
  • Cavan and Monaghan County Councils – county biodiversity action plans
  • Wicklow Uplands Council – ecological survey of old railway line prior to creation of recreational trail
  • Irish Wildlife Trust – biodiversity policy research

Our full range of services and a selection of our past and current projects are presented on our website


Our aims are to:

Enhance and promote the natural heritage of Northern Ireland to local people and tourists alike to improve quality of life and create heritage-related jobs. There are many natural heritage features in an area that could be used to create jobs if properly surveyed and promoted. An example is a disused railway line that could be turned into a nature trail or cycling route.

Utilising these assets more fully could lead to direct (e.g. trail maintenance, interpretative services) and indirect (e.g. increased bed occupancy in B & Bs) jobs in rural communities. Using the latest computer mapping software and survey methodologies, we can inventory, and map the natural heritage of an area.

We then produce a natural heritage protection and enhancement framework document to aid the prioritization of future ecotourism initiatives in the study area.

Quality service

Your guarantee of a quality service is that as Members of the Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management, UK, we are bound by the Institute’s Code of Professional Conduct viewable on and are subject to the Disciplinary Regulations of the Institute.

We have also started the process of obtaining ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 accreditation.


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  • Aulino Wann Associates