16 High Street
BT78 1BQ
United Kingdom
Contact Details
ASPIRE is the Fermanagh & Omagh District Council led employability Programme supporting people into paid employment. The employability initiative, which is part funded by the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014-2020 and the Department for the Economy, provides assistance to anyone aged 16 years and over who is currently unemployed or part- time hours with a view to increasing their hours of employment. It operates in partnership with the Western Health & Social Care Trust, the Education Authority for the Western Region and delivery partner Fermanagh Rural Community Initiative.
The ASPIRE programme, which will continue to support participants across the district until March 2022, offers a FREE tailored support package with a range of free learning and training opportunities in fields such as:
Classroom Support
Care and Support work
Business Administration
Health and Safety in the Workplace Training
Manual Handling Training
CSR Card Licence Training
Refresher Forklift Licence Training
First Aid at Work Certificate
OCN Social Media
IAB Computerised Accounts
IAB Payroll for Business
IT User Skills
In addition, ASPIRE also offers individual and tailored support to include:
CV Development
Application Form Support
Interview Skills Assistance
Work Experience Placement
Tailored Actions Plans
For more information contact us:
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council,
16 High Street,
Omagh, BT78 1BQ
Tel: 028 8224 6535
Fermanagh Rural Community Initiative (FRCI),
56 Tempo Road,
Enniskillen, BT74 6HR
Tel: 028 6632 6478
Find us on Facebook: Aspire Employability Programme