Arts Care

Arts Care

Arts Care Hub
Unit 46, Connswater Shopping Centre
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Gary Gates

Opening Hours


Arts Care, founded in 1991, is a unique Arts and Health Charity based in Northern Ireland.

Who are we?

Arts Care is an arts, health and well-being charity whose aim is “to enable people in health and social care, community, corporate and other settings to benefit from the recuperative, healing, and positive mental health effects of engagement with the creative arts”.

Initiated in 1991, uniquely by the then Department of Health, Arts Care delivers a wide range of innovative and impactful participatory arts projects, events, performances, and exhibitions across Northern Ireland. Arts Care also provides enabling support to the health and care system via environmental transformations, staff wellbeing services and training and education for healthcare professionals and medical students.

How do we do it?

Arts Care deliver its activities and services through its long-standing system of Artists-in-Residence and Clown Doctors programmes and specific commissioned projects including the “Here & Now” Older People’s Arts and Health Festival and “Twilight Zone” Project for young people. Arts Care engages a highly skilled workforce of professional artists from different art disciplines and clown doctors. These teams of arts professionals deliver arts projects, performances and art exhibitions into multiple health, social care and community settings across Northern Ireland.

In addition, through our social enterprise, any organisation or business can avail of our bespoke arts programmes designed to enhance workplace wellbeing and creativity.


Mission -  ‘improving personal health and wellbeing through the Arts’. 

We aim to enable people in health and social care, community, corporate and other settings to benefit from the recuperative, healing, and positive mental health effects of engagement with the creative arts.

Our Vision

Our Vision -  is that everyone throughout Northern Ireland has an opportunity to experience the positive health and wellbeing effects of engagement with creative arts.

Core Values

  • Inclusive
    we are open to all, bringing people and communities together and making high-quality arts and culture accessible

  • Transformational
    we encourage positive transformation through participation in the arts

  • Transparent and open
    we foster an environment of honesty, openness, integrity and individuality

  • Collaborative
    we believe in the power of teamwork, working together to achieve our goals, and encouraging co-design and co-production

  • Creative
    we are committed to using creative, often outside of the box approaches, to improve health and wellbeing

  • Respectful
    we embrace empowerment and self-efficacy and understand that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity

Arts Care's Content

Job | Part Time

Programme Officer (Health and Social Care)

Arts Care

£28,275 WTE pro rata for 4 days
Job | Part Time

Project Artist (Ignite Community Programme) x 3

Arts Care

£27,200 pro rata
Job | Full Time

Project Officer (Ignite Community Programme)

Arts Care

£28,275 (incremental review each year)
Arts Care and Cathedral Eye Clinic Partnership 2024

Arts Care

As part of its new ambitious and much-needed social enterprise initiative ‘Arts Care For You’, the award-winning arts in health charity Arts Care, is delighted to announce the success of its new partnership with the Cathedral Eye Clinic in Belfast.
Arts Care Three-Year Strategic Pplan Launch 2023

Arts Care

On October 3rd, 2023, the multi-award-winning Arts in Health charity, Arts Care, launched its Three-Year Strategic Plan.

Arts Care

In December 2022, The Twilight Festival for young people in care, took place for the twelfth time. The exhibition took place in the Dr Jenny Elliot Suit, at the Arts Care premises.

More Information

Type of Organisation


Company Number


NI Charity Number



  • Gary Gates
  • Gary Gates
  • Rebecca Corr