Apex Housing Association
Apex Housing Association
10 Butcher Street
BT48 6HL
United Kingdom
Contact Details
We are a not-for-profit housing association, led by volunteers and work to social enterprise principles. We employ over 600 staff throughout the organisation and through our group structure we also provide affordable housing both for rent and for sale.
Apex Housing Association (Apex) is a major housing association managing a stock of some 5,500 homes, which will grow to over 8,500 when our current planned programmes are completed. Our business is housing and associated care and support services, and from tiny beginnings almost half-a-century ago in Derry~Londonderry, we have grown into a substantial organisation with a geographical base throughout Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Key areas of expertise
- Housing management
- Building and maintenance
- Caring and support services
Scope of activities
- General needs housing for families and single people
- Purpose-built accommodation for older people
- Supported housing for people with individual needs, including those with mental health difficulties; learning disabilities; alcohol/drug addictions; and those who are physically disabled
- Support services for vulnerable groups under the Supporting People programme
- Community buildings under the management of local communities
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Type of Organisation
ApexNI Charity Number
- Alison Carruthers
- Apex Housing
- Alison McKenna