Youth4Peace International Peace Day Corrymeela

To mark International Peace Day a special event will take place at Corrymeela, Ballycastle on Wednesday 21st September 6pm - 9pm.

21st September is recognised globally as International Peace Day.

To mark the event and as part of the Northern Ireland #youth4peace campaign Corrymeela will host arts, music and dance and debate workshops with an open free invite to all to drop in and get involved in the activities.

The event has been co-organised by Beyond Skin Youth4Peace ambassador Andrea Walker, also a youth leader at Ballycastle Youth Club in partnership with Corrymeela.

The event is part of Community Relations & Cultural Relations week and is supported by Community Relations Council, Causeway Coast & Glens Council, United Network of Young Peacebuilders and Education Authority NI.

#Youth4Peace - In December 2015 the United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 2250, the first ever thematic resolution on Youth, Peace and Security. This historic document is very important for all young peacebuilders worldwide because it brings recognition and legitimacy for youth's efforts in building peace.
Beyond Skin are the all-Ireland representatives and members of United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNO), a network of youth peacebuilding organisations worldwide. Since 2012 UNOY have been working intensively towards adoption of resolution 2250, engaging with young peacebuilders and making connections between them and policy makers.
Beyond Skin have been identifying and recruiting Youth4Peace young ambassadors to join a steering group for the campaign to develop, lead the programme and represent Northern Ireland internationally.

Read more about the #Youth4Peace campaign in Northern Ireland on the Beyond Skin  Youth4Peace page.


Last updated 7 years 9 months ago