Is your organisation in the 70%?

Is your organisation in the 70%?

70% of organisations don't provide guidance to managers on how to deal with employee disclosures of substance misuse

The lack of guidance for managers on how to handle these sensitive situations can potentially lead to misunderstandings or mishandlings.  

We can share our expertise by delivering training and advice on how to manage these situations practically by being able to recognise signs of substance misuse; how to approach employees with concerns and how to provide support and empathy.  We can support your organisation in the development of effective alcohol and substance policies, identifying key issues within your business, sharing best practice and evidence based approaches.

Providing your management team with the necessary tools to navigate these situations will ultimately benefit both your staff and organisation as a whole so give us a call on 0800 254 5123 or email [email protected] to find out how we can help.

Last updated 2 months 2 weeks ago