Young People Want To Blow Your Socks Off

A CHARITY working with young people who need education, employment and training is giving employers across the country an opportunity to pull their socks up, quite literally.


Pairs of stripy socks have been sent to key individuals and businesses across Northern Ireland in a bid to get them to open up their doors and support young people, who are most in need, to follow in their footsteps. Neil Hutcheson, Employer Liaison at Include Youth, said:

“Gaining work experience is a core part of young people’s involvement with Include Youth. Many young people referred to us have very little knowledge of what they want to do, but their interest can often be sparked by a workplace tour.

“All employers can open up their premises for a tour, but some employers can do more. Whether group volunteering activities, taster days or longer-term placements, young people really benefit from first-hand insight into a job. Many come away wanting to work for that company.”

Include Youth’s Give and Take Scheme works with 140 young people aged 16-21 throughout Northern Ireland at any one time. Last year more than 83 young people on the Scheme completed a series of one-day hands-on community group projects or took part in a tour of a workplace. More than 100 young people also engaged in individual work experience opportunities, from job tasters lasting a few hours to placements lasting up to twelve weeks, in an area of interest to them.

Leon’s story – work placement in Lisburn

Leon Pugsley (18), from Holywood, joined the Give and Take Scheme in Ards 12 months ago. When he was referred to the Scheme he had no qualifications but did express an interest in gaining experience of working outdoors.

Leon has since gained more than 10 accredited qualifications and taken part in three work tasters organised for him in Bangor, Millisle and Lisburn. The experience resulted in a longer term work placement opportunity with Lisburn YMCA’s Red Chilli horticulture project.

“This work placement was perfect for me. When I first met Ciaran and Drew I knew straight away that we would get on really well. We have a laugh; they treat me like an equal and make me feel like part of a team. I get to do gardening and maintenance work and know the experience will help me in my future. I’ve learned so much from them,” said Leon.

Simone’s story – work placement in Ballynahinch

Simone McCarey (18) takes part in the Give and Take Scheme on a one-to-one basis. When she first joined the Scheme she expressed an interest in retail work and has since been regularly attending a work placement at the NI Hospice Shop in Ballynahinch one afternoon a week and intends to continue volunteering at the shop after she moves on from the Scheme next month.

“They make me feel really welcome here and gradually have showed me different things like how to price things and do the till. Now I get to do a mix of everything. I get the benefit of work experience in something I want to do and I like knowing that I’m helping a charity out. I’d eventually like to run my own fish and chip van, so all of this is helping me get there,” said Simone.

Blow Your Socks Off

“We tailor our programmes to suit each young person’s individual needs, passion and talent. Staff assist the young people to gain qualifications and work on growing their confidence and also support young people during their time with us, but also as they move on from our programme,” said Neil.

“These socks act as a reminder to every one of the small steps we can take to help make a big impact on the long-term employment prospects of young people. As the theme of our year-long campaign suggests, when given the right support the young people we work with have the potential to absolutely blow your socks off.”

For more information about Include Youth’s #BlowYourSocksOff campaign visit Check out our photos here.


Media enquiries contact: For more information, to arrange an interview or photo please contact Sharon Whittaker, Communications Officer at Include Youth, on 028 9031 1007/ 077 3841 2056 or [email protected].

Notes to editors:

  • Include Youth is a voluntary organisation that works with disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people in the areas of youth justice, education, employment and training;
  • Include Youth’s Give and Take Scheme is funded by the Department of Employment and Learning, European Social Fund, Big Lottery Fund and the five Health and Social Care Trusts, for more information visit;
  • START Programme is a partnership consisting of Include Youth, Northern Ireland Alternatives, Lisburn YMCA, Youth Initiatives and Challenge for Youth START is working to improve the employability of young people aged 16-24, in Lisburn, North Down and West Belfast;
  • Employability Services operates in each health and social care trust, designed to offer opportunities to assist young people leaving care prepare for and engage in work. Include Youth leads on this work with the 16+ teams in Belfast Health and Social Care Trust in partnership with Opportunity Youth and the Western Health and Social Care Trust.
Last updated 10 years 9 months ago