Image of young people from a mix of ethic backgrounds

Would you foster an unaccompanied child or young person?

The Health & Social Care Trusts are seeking to recruit foster carers who enjoy being with, caring for and are able to support vulnerable children and young people from a range of ethnic, linguistic, religious and cultural backgrounds.

The Health & Social Care Trusts are seeking to recruit foster carers across Northern Ireland who enjoy being with, caring for and are able to support vulnerable children and young people from a range of ethnic, linguistic, religious and cultural backgrounds.

Unaccompanied children from Eastern Europe, the middle East, Africa and Asia arrive into Northern Ireland without a parent or responsible adult. Most of these children, who are mainly teenagers, are separated from their families and are in a new country with different customs and language.

These children have many reasons for entering Northern Ireland including that they are fleeing danger and war, that they have been victims of trafficking or exploitation, or that their parent or carer may have disappeared.

We need to find these children a safe and supportive home environment where they can receive emotional and practical support. We want to help them integrate into local community life where they can make new friends and learn English. We also want to find homes where there is a current, or potential, understanding of their heritage, culture and religion.

If you are interested in find out more, please contact the Regional Adoption and Fostering Service:

Phone 0800 0720 137 or go online to

Last updated 5 years 7 months ago