Working Together For You
Together For You is an innovative project aimed at delivering mental health and wellbeing services to a range of people across Northern Ireland. The £3 million Big Lottery Fund project is led by Action Mental Health (AMH).
This is the first time charities including Aware Defeat Depression, CAUSE, CRUSE, MindWise, Nexus, Praxis Care, Relate NI and The Rainbow Project, led by Action Mental Health (AMH), have come together for you to help young and old, men and women, minority groups (BME and LGB&T) and marginalised groups (Prisoners, Young people and NEETS). All the services under Together For You are free, and can be accessed in one place through the new Together For You website (, which launched today (Monday 31 March)
Services under Together For You include befriending; bereavement support; counselling services including relationship counselling, CBT and specialist trauma counselling; support for carers, mental health education programmes, LGB&T support and volunteering opportunities. For further information on the full range of services on offer, visit or call 028 9032 9150.

Together For You
Fisherwick Building
9 Upper Queen Street
United Kingdom