WOMAD BELFAST website online

In partnership with WOMAD, Beyond Skin have planned and launched a four year 'Outreach Programme' plan which provides workshops, showcase events & festivals involving schools, community groups and more across Ireland.

This website will be the hub for all events past and present within this 4 year plan. We'll be showing you photos, videos, press releases, testimonials and so much more from every workshop, showcase event and festivals that have happened, are in the making and an insight into the bigger things which lie ahead. There's already a huge buzz and even more excitement for what lies ahead...so join us on this unique, wonderful journey! We invite and welcome you!

There are other WOMAD websites all over the world - from the UK to Russia. If you are not familiar with who and what WOMAD is - you soon will and you'll be stunned at just how huge it is! You can follow WOMADBelfast on Twitter - which links in with all tweets within the WOMAD stratosphere!



Last updated 10 years 9 months ago