Will to Give Week, 5th - 11th November #changethefuture

Will to Give Week coming soon; Make a Will, Leave a gift to Charity #changethefuture

Will to Give is dedicating the week of 5th- 11th November to promoting an increasingly popular way of giving, leaving a charitable gift in your Will, with our Change the Future campaign - how will you #changethefuture?

Will to Give is a membership charity of almost 60 charities in Northern Ireland, working together to promote gifts in Wills.

Every day right here in Northern Ireland lives are transformed thanks to the generosity of gifts left in Wills by local people. These gifts make a huge contribution to our work and typically fund life-changing research projects and services which can impact on thousands of local lives and change the future for many.  

As Eimear McCooey, Will to Give Chair says:

“We plan for life’s major milestones; births, weddings, anniversaries but most of us shy away from talking about and planning for death - yet it is the one thing that is guaranteed to happen to us all!  I strongly believe that by talking openly about the future can help ensure we have a better experience when it eventually does happen, and one of the things we can plan for is the legacy we want to leave behind.

Making a Will is important because it gives you the peace of mind of knowing that your wishes will be respected and the ones you love are looked after, whether that be family, friends or even a well-loved charity. I am leaving a gift to charity in my Will.”

Your Will tells the people you leave behind, about the person you are.  It’s about the people you love and the things you care about. Your Will helps pass on your principles and the values that matter to you… A gift in your Will can ensure that your most loved charities can continue to make a difference for many years to come.

Anyone can leave a gift in their Will. It really doesn’t matter what size – small or large, every gift is greatly received.

Find out more about how you can leave a gift in your Will here

Join the conversation on facebook and Twitter #changethefuture 

Email [email protected] with any questions.

Thank you.

Last updated 5 years 8 months ago