When funders allow organisations to move more freely - Beyond Skin PICAS Report

Beyond Skin's Programme for InterCultural Arts Support (PICAS)
"From Ardoyne to Kurdistan & Back Again"

The value and impact of the Arts

"Arts is all about the freedom of creative cultural expression and you can't cram a multicultural society into one box - community is a fluid environment so funders should consider this when preparing funding mechanisms"

Programme for InterCultural Arts Support (PICAS) - a programme carefully crafted and thought out by Community Arts Partnership with the support from the Arts Council Northern Ireland.

 As part of the PICAS programme Beyond Skin was identified as one of five organisations to be given an investment of £2,462.50.

Here is what Beyond Skin did with our investment…
Download pdf: Beyond Skin PICAS Narrative Report www.beyondskin.net/PICAS-Narrative-Report-2015.pdf

“Just a quick email to say how great Saturday was to see teenagers and youngsters from Bushmills & Ardoyne walking up the main road together talking and laughing as if there was no divide. It brought a lump to my throat and a tear off pride to my eye to see this happen. Being an ex-soldier who did 4 tours of duty in Northern Ireland losing colleagues in the violence in the 70's, it made me very humble to think that the arts was able to bring these two towns together using dance and drumming. Perhaps in time with the help of people like Karwan & Ripton (facilitators) Northern Ireland can put its troubled past behind it and look to the future with combined heart”  David Long volunteer driver.

PICAS: The Programme for InterCultural Arts Support (PICAS) was a new Community Arts Programme initiative launched in 2014 supported by the Arts Council Northern Ireland offering a range of opportunities to support the delivery of key areas of the Arts Council Intercultural Arts Strategy. The Purpose of the programme is to encourage and foster initiatives in the intercultural arts arena. This two year programme has been designed to assist communities and individuals, artists and activists to support the Intercultural Arts Strategy.

Beyond Skin - is a charity founded in 2004 developing & delivering global & diversity education initiatives though the Arts in an aim to address issues of racism & sectarianism. Through a diverse creative team of professional artists, facilitators, global educators & multimedia specialists who are passionate about using their gifts for the greater good. With over 11 years experience our reputation precedes us as being innovative, ethical, ground-breaking and always delivering what we set out to do, generating legacy’s and real outcomes along the way. Our passion to empower people to reach their full potential as global citizens is infectious. Building confidence, aspiration, addressing stereotypes and fears; our team & projects provide access through inclusive and enjoyable experiences, opportunities for people to explore the wider world.

Download pdf: Beyond Skin PICAS Narrative Report www.beyondskin.net/PICAS-Narrative-Report-2015.pdf


 "As a litmus test against the vast majority of community sector launches, finale and key events that take place in hotels, government buildings and luxury venues we decided to host our event at the youth centre in Ardoyne. Inviting people at the heart of where the impact happens. Would all the usual suspects attend our event as it was not in a middle class space? As it turned out they didn’t."

"For any organisation involved in PICAS who raises the question “is there any more money to continue?” has totally missed the point of the programme. This was an opportunity not just to run a start stop project, but to show how investment given in a manner that wasn’t too restrictive and allowed room for development would yield a return above the value of any financial contribution and create a legacy."

"As a facilitator from a very different background, Kurdish and Muslim, I was preparing myself for the start up events to be much complicated as to hearsay stereotype and comments on this part of local community. Whenever the first event kicked off, followed by the second and so on, my expectations just hugely overturned! Nonetheless what is said on this part of this city, a promising potential of tolerance and inclusion is there, just needs to be promoted and exposed” Karwan Shareef

“The group of young people who are engaging with Karwin in the PICAS project, are normally a very hard group to engage with. They are a group of street lads (drifters) who normally would appear for a while at this time off year, when the weather changes for the worst. I am surprised they have been engaging with Karwin and are participating and interacting in the Cultural awareness project. I have spoken to them and they are totally enjoying the experience well done. Thanks” Jacqui – John Paul Youth Club

"In November 2014 Karwan took a new step into the world of Community Arts. Six months later he has gathered more experience than some artists will ever gather in a lifetime. He has shared our vision, shared the risks and enabled change some considered to be the impossible. Throughout the PICAS project Karwan developed into a highly skilled facilitator with skills to bring out the best in children and young people through music and dialogue.”  Darren Ferguson (Beyond Skin)

Last updated 9 years 1 month ago