WheelWorks St Patrick’s Day Futuristic Fun

WheelWorks are incredibly delighted to be working alongside The Beat Carnival and Wandsworth Community Centre in the build up to Belfast’s St Patrick’s Day Carnival Parade.

In these workshops the group have been using art and graphic design to create special futuristic newspaper front pages and headlines which will then feature in the fun-filled, high energy ‘St Patrick –To the Future’ themed event.

The finished output is extremely impressive and we are all very proud to be involved. Join in and witness the performances, music and eye catching floats passing through Belfast City Centre on Sunday the 16th March. The carnival leaves fromBelfastCity Hall at 12 noon.

Our workshops have been supported by core funders; Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Belfast City Council and Youth Council forNorthern Ireland.


For more information please check out the following links:

BelfastCityCouncil Event: http://www.belfastcity.gov.uk/events/Event-28955.aspx?E_EventGroup=stpatrick2014

The Beat Carnival Website: http://beatcarnival.com/

Wandsworth Community Centre Website: http://www.wandsworthcommunitycentre.com/

WheelWorks Website: www.wheelworks.org.uk

WheelWorks Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WheelWorksYouthArts

WheelWorks Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheArtCart

Last updated 11 years ago