WheelWorks ArtCart Crowdfunding Campaign

Help WheelWorks raise money to continue to bring state of the art technologies to young people across Northern Ireland.

WheelWorks, the award winning Belfast based youth arts organisation, has just launched its first ever crowdfunding campaign. The organisation, well known for working with children and young people who may not otherwise have access to high quality artistic activity, is hoping to attract crowdfunding for new equipment for the ArtCart vehicle.

The ArtCart is a unique mobile arts vehicle which was designed and built to address the barriers faced by disadvantaged young people in accessing quality arts activity in Northern Ireland. For the past 15 years the ArtCart has worked with thousands of young people directly in their communities and at festivals across Northern Ireland and beyond.

With ever changing demographics in Northern Ireland, and demand for new genres and technologies from young people, WheelWorks need some help to stay on top of their game and offer bespoke, cutting edge programmes for Northern Ireland’s young participants.

Equipment and software play a massive role in the ArtCart’s year round work and help to inspire young people to take part in new art forms and learn new skills. Last year alone, the ArtCart worked with over 2,500 young people in Northern Ireland – that is on average 7 children EVERY DAY.

The more funding WheelWorks receives, the more equipment they can buy. New equipment means new art forms and new art forms mean brand new workshops and programmes to offer to young participants. It will also offer local and emerging artists the opportunity to thrive and develop, using state of the art equipment and helping change the lives of thousands of children.

For those unaware how crowdfunding works, you simply donate on their crowdfunding page and in return they will send you a reward. Rewards range from a simple thank you on social media for £5 to your logo being represented on the ArtCart for the whole of Northern Ireland to see as the ArtCart drives to different workshops for £1,000.

"One of the things that excites young people most about the ArtCart is that they will have the opportunity to use the latest technology and cutting edge equipment to create unique artwork and learn skills that they can take with them wherever they go. Without the best and most up to date equipment, the ArtCart is not the exciting mobile arts resource we need it to be. This campaign will hopefully help us to offer inspiring digital arts projects to disadvantaged young people across Northern Ireland." – Tanya Kirk O’Neill, ArtCart Coordinator

Check out WheelWorks’ crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/inspiring-the-next-generation-of-digital-artists/x/9422374 

Further information can be found on their website:www.wheelworks.org.uk
                                                                   Twitter: @TheArtCart
                                                              Facebook: facebook.com/WheelWorksYouthArts

Last updated 9 years 5 months ago