What is the understanding of the Financial reporting requirements in the charity sector in N.I.

Tony Clarke and a group of Students from QUB have devised a short survey to gather some key pieces of information. We are hoping you can take the time to complete on financial reporting in the charity sector in NI.

In the last number of years, a lot has changed within the community and voluntary, charity and or 3rd sector. With the establishment of The Charity Commission for NI, revised SORP, small groups being told they need to report and have their accounts examined. From originally having to complete an annual monitoring return, to not having to complete the return, to now having to complete.

Confused? We understand why this may be the case. As small groups, we understand that not everyone joining a board / committee have experience or knowledge in financial reporting.

We are asking you to take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire about your understanding of the Financial reporting requirements in the charity sector in N.I.
Tony Clarke and a group of Students from QUB have devised a short survey to gather some key pieces of information. We are hoping you can take the time to complete.

Click here to complete the short survey:

Research Questionnaire: Financial reporting requirements in the charity sector in N.I

If you have any questions or comments on the survey, you can email Tony Clarke directly on [email protected].

Last updated 1 year 4 months ago