WEast Chernobyl's Year of Diversity Launch

WEast Chernobyl is pleased to announce the launch of our 2012 Year of Diversity

“It is time … to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength”

“Пришло время... показать молодым людям, что в разнообразии кроются и красота, и сила” – Maya Angelou

WEast Chernobyl is pleased to announce the launch of our Year of Diversity. Together with our overseas development partners, Orphanage 5, in our 2012 year WEast Chernobyl will be working towards promoting diversity both at home in Northern Ireland and in our work in Belarus.

With a range of programmes from building work to the arts, there’s something for everyone and new volunteers are particularly welcome. More information can be found on our website weastchernobyl.weebly.com, by contacting us through this CommunityNI page or you can download your copy of our Year of Diversity programme below.

Last updated 12 years 2 months ago