Waste No Time Pop Up Democracy Street Theatre Limavady & Ballykelly

On Friday 15th April the WNoT team will be outside Hunter's Bakery from 1.00pm - 2.00pm and in Ballykelly from 4.30pm - 5.30 pm (behind Tommy's Fish & Chips Shop)
Curious? Drop by to watch our show and partake in a cup of tea and coffee!


The Waste No Time Project began a few years ago at a discussion around local government reform. There was a comment that if anyone had been remotely interested when the process had started 10 years then they had had that interest drummed out of them. And for most people - couldn't care less. In fact, the one thing that people do care about, wherever they live and whoever they are, is that their bins get lifted. At that moment the idea for a citizens conversation project in the Causeway Coast & Glens Council was born - with the principle that we need to start with what matters to people and exploring why so many of us are 'binning' our voices when it comes to local government.

The project is an initiative between five organisations: Beyond Skin, Building Communities Resource Centre, Corrymeela, Charo Lanao-Madden, Rural Community Network and funded by Building Change Trust.

Over the next 6 months, the project will be out and about across the new Council area with a short outdoor performance and a pop-up café for people to come and chat to us about what matters to them in their communities, what they are proud of, and their bright ideas for what their new Council should be doing that could make a positive difference to their lives.

We believe that we need to be creative in how we engage people and we need to go to where people are at. So you’ll see us outside shops, pubs, local schools, car-boot sales, churches, workplaces, clubs and all sorts of places so do stop and talk to us and get involved!


Last updated 8 years 2 months ago