War, Bingo and Poetry

An intergenerational project between older people in Bangor and younger people in Newtownards.

RESIDENTS at the Savoy, Bangor, took a group of young people from Newtownards on a trip down memory lane this month to help mark European Day of Solidarity Between Generations on April 29. In return the young people from Include Youth’s Give and Take Scheme invited their older counterparts to a table quiz and out to dinner.

The project, supported by Linking Generations Northern Ireland, provided an opportunity for young and old to explore stereotypes and gain a greater understanding of each other’s lives. Over two sessions the groups came together to share stories and experiences over food, chat and a few gruelling questions.

Nicola Thompson, Youth Development Worker at Include Youth, said:

“It’s not often you bring two very different groups together in the same room only to discover so many of them share hobbies and interests.

“Constance, for example, a resident at the Savoy has a book of favourite poems including one of her own which she read to young Tara, upon learning she was herself a keen poet.

“While Dean, who had recently visited the Somme Heritage site immediately struck up a friendship with war veteran Jim who regaled tales of battle and war.

“The group bonded very quickly as each sat down in small groups to find out a little more about each other. We discovered bingo is just as popular with the under 21s as it is with the older people, while 4”11 is a common height among ladies of all ages in the room, reminding us once again that the best things come in small packages.

“Regardless of age both groups felt stereotyped and their needs often misunderstood, however agreed that it is better not to judge and to instead learn from each other.

“Though a short term project real connections have definitely been made.”



Media Enquiries: For more information contact Sharon Whittaker, Communications Officer at Include Youth, on 028 9031 1007 or email [email protected]

Notes to editors:

  • Include Youth’s Give and Take Scheme is based throughout Northern Ireland, supporting 150 vulnerable or disadvantaged young people with employability at any one time;
  • The Give and Take Scheme is supported by the European Social Fund (ESF) and Big Lottery NI;
  • Like our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter;
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  • Watch our video about the project;
  • Since 2009 April 29 each year has been designated as the European Day of Solidarity between Generations. The objective of this day is to raise awareness of the importance of engagement across the generations and offer a platform to showcase good practice.
Last updated 10 years 2 months ago