Vote for Replay Theatre Company's BabyDay

Replay's World's 1st BabyDay takes place in Belast on the 27th September. We have an amazing opportunity to add to our resources through the Aviva Community Fund to vote log onto Thank you.

BabyDay is about hope. It’s about how crucial early years art is. It’s about how the experiences that you have in the first 3 years of life don’t just affect behaviour, they change how neural pathways are formed. So these experiences should be playful, joyful, imaginative & creative. 

BabyDay is a gigantic metaphor for talking about the future in a really concrete way–it’s these tiny citizens who don’t yet hate, who don’t yet judge, who believe everything is exciting & possible. It’s about the ability to see the world afresh through a child’s eyes. It’s about the family that Belfast could be.

It’s for everyone, not just those with babies. We want to create an extraordinary, joyful, playful day that captures the imagination of the whole city. We want this gesture to capture the imagination of the world & for BabyDays to pop up all over the place. An idea that started here in Belfast.

BabyDay will take place on 27 September 2015 & as the day closes, as many people as possible will gather around the BabyDay letters installation & the Belfast Lullaby would be blasted out as a final celebration.

We’ve no idea of all the things that might happen on BabyDay (& that’s a key tenet of the project–that it will become not just what we make it but also what those who participate in it bring to the table) but here are some of our imaginings: an army of older women yarnbombing the city with BabyDay knitart, a buggy flashmob, concerts for babies, a baby sports day, & much, much more.

Last updated 9 years 1 month ago