Vote for Northern Ireland's Grow Wild flagship wild flower site!

Cast your vote for Northern Ireland’s community growing project that you feel most deserves to receive £120,000 funding - online or by telephone.

It is time for you to cast your vote for Northern Ireland’s community growing project that you feel most deserves to receive £120,000 funding to help it realise its Grow Wild project vision.

Stéphanie Baine, Grow Wild’s Northern Ireland Partnership Manager, said: “We can make a real difference to a community here in Northern Ireland.  Each of these unique projects have a chance to create a flagship celebrating and growing our native wild flowers. Each one also provides wonderful opportunities for local people to work and have fun together surrounded by nature and their communities. I urge people to find out more, pick their favourite, and get voting!”

Voters can choose from the following projects and go online to vote at or vote by phone on the numbers below:

City of Wildflowers, Belfast - call 0808 228 7701

Wild flowers and life will be brought to all corners of Belfast for everyone to enjoy. With “wildflower makeovers” for well-known sites across Belfast and, by creating a seed hub and new skills, the project will improve biodiversity across the city and address Northern Ireland’s need for a variety of wild flowers. The project is led by Belfast City Council.

Flowers of Foyle, Creggan, Derry/Londonderry - call 0808 228 7702

A “river” of wild flowers will flow from Creggan Country Park through the city to the River Foyle and across the iconic Peace Bridge, with it bringing recreation, education, new skills and health benefits to the people of Derry/Londonderry. This project is led by Creggan Country Park.


The Cornfield Project, Coleraine - call 0808 228 7703

Using wildflowers, natural colour and activities the community will bring an underused area back to life. Located between two housing estates, the site will get people together to enjoy wild flowers through sensory gardens, outdoor classrooms, allotments, youth areas and much more. The project is led by Focus on Family, nurturing and development centre.

Grow Wild, the UK’s biggest ever seed sowing campaign, will present the award when voting closes at midnight on Sunday 1st November to one of three exciting projects from across Northern Ireland. Voting is available both online at and by phone. 

The Grow Wild flagship projects are part of the overall campaign that is inspiring three million people to get together and take direct action to benefit their communities and support native wild flowers. One of the particular aims of the project is to reach young people and audiences who wouldn’t usually engage with environmental or community projects. Over the life of the programme, which runs until 2017, 250,000 seed-sowing kits and over 750,000 individual packs of wild flower seeds will be distributed through Grow Wild and its partners

Last updated 8 years 8 months ago