In vino veritas..£18k donation to Red Cross is no bluff...

Delta Packaging hosts fundraising event. Wine enthusiasts who attended a ‘Call my Bluff’ tasting challenge, in aid of local Red Cross services, will be thrilled to learn that the event raised a magnificent £18,000.

The event, hosted by West Belfast packaging company Delta Print & Packaging at Belfast’s Wellington Park Hotel, tested the knowledge and expertise of local wine connoisseurs. Proceedings adopted a format similar to the TV quiz ‘Call my Bluff’, with participants presented with various wine tasting scenarios by a panel of wine experts…only one host was accurately describing the wine and the challenge was to  ‘sniff out’ the truth.

Laura Shuttleworth, Interim Senior Community & Legacy Fundraiser at the Red Cross explains the importance of the donation to the charity’s local services;

“We’re thrilled that this event was such a success. A good time was had by all and a fantastic amount has been raised to help our local volunteers provide vital services to people in crisis across Northern Ireland. Every crisis is personal and the people we help may be facing the aftermath of severe weather, a healthcare or mobility crisis, or they may be a refugee or asylum seeker facing extreme destitution. Whatever their circumstances; Red Cross refuses to ignore people in crisis.”

Terry Cross, volunteer President of the Red Cross in Northern Ireland, and Chairman of Delta Packaging, said;

“I would like to thank all of the patrons who attended this event and donated money to such a worthy cause.  As a society, it is important that we recognise and support individuals and families who are vulnerable or experiencing difficulties.  By providing tangible support we can help people through difficult times and enable them to improve their circumstances. 

“Sometimes it is only when we have received help from others that we recognise the importance of offering similar assistance. The positive impact that volunteers can have on other people’s lives can never be truly measured.  I would encourage anyone who may be considering volunteering for a charitable organisation to get in contact with our Belfast office on 02890 735350.”

Last updated 9 years 4 months ago