USEL Trainees Celebrate Employment Success

Derek Baker, Permanent Secretary, Department for Employment and Learning today awarded participants their certificates for successful completion of the S.T.E.P. “Skills Training for Employment Progression” training programme.

Derek Baker, Permanent Secretary, Department for Employment and Learning today awarded participants their certificates for successful completion of the S.T.E.P. “Skills Training for Employment Progression” training programme.

Part funded by the European Social Fund and delivered by USEL (Ulster Supported Employment Ltd) the S.T.E.P. programme is specifically designed to address long-term unemployment and tackle barriers to employment by assisting people with disabilities and health related conditions move into the workplace.

 The programme offered up to six months fully paid work placements with local employers. Participants to date have benefited from accredited training opportunities, skills acquisition, job match and the in-work support services necessary to gain and sustain paid employment.

 Many individuals who had previously faced considerable barriers to employment have been provided with the opportunity to gain employment skills and work-related qualifications which has enabled them to move into permanent paid employment.

 At the event held at the Scullery at Crumlin Road Gaol, Derek Baker, Secretary, Department for Employment and Learning commented: “I would like to congratulate all the trainees who have received awards today. The S.T.E.P. programme continues to prove hugely successful and USEL are to be commended on their delivery of the programme.”

 "Through its own diverse workforce, USEL is helping to demonstrate the role that people with disabilities have to play in growing the local economy, and giving inspiration to others that they can achieve their own employment ambitions. The Department for Employment and Learning fully supports the role USEL plays in the local community and especially its contribution to the employment and employability of people with disabilities.”

 Sam Humphries, Chief Executive, USEL commented “The on the job work experience complemented with the opportunity to acquire accredited training qualifications has proven to be a great success.

Individuals who had previously faced significant barriers to finding a job have become more motivated, confident and self-aware of their own potential based on their experience and qualifications.”


Last updated 9 years 2 months ago