Urban Youth Almanac

Join in sharing some brilliant public space ideas from other cities, brainstorming, exploring what young people in Belfast want and need in their public spaces and illustrating our ideas on paper.

Urban Youth Almanac

This Urban Youth Almanac event at the Black Box on Hill street in Belfast, on Tuesday the 26th of September (6-8pm), offers young people a say on a draft strategy that has been prepared to shape a large chunk of central Belfast, along the east bank of the River Lagan!

Pizza, Drinks and Designing the Future of the east bank of the River Lagan. 

Please note: This event is for young people, and under 18s with their parents or youth group. Please help spread the word by sharing and inviting.https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/urban-youth-almanac-tickets-37528309183

This is your chance to shape the future of this part of Belfast. Belfast City Council staff are coming along to listen to your ideas for whole site including the public areas along the river as part of the public consultation for the East Bank, which closes at the end of September.

We're working with Adam Turkington from Seedhead Arts to make the event really engaging and inspiring, a real idea generator. We want people to get big ideas about how the East Bank of the Lagan could be.

We will be sharing some brilliant public space ideas from other cities, brainstorming, exploring what young people in Belfast want and need in their public spaces and illustrating our ideas on paper. We'll combine all of these plans and record the evening's discussions and ideas and present them to the council to add in to the Belfast City Council planning consultation. As the event is at dinnertime, we'll also provide pizza and beverages. We are limited to 50 tickets. please book here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/urban-youth-almanac-tickets-37528309183 

This is the consultation for the Lagan East Bank: https://yoursay.belfastcity.gov.uk/development/eastbank/

Eden Project Communities is all about giving people inspiration and ideas to make positive change where they live. Earlier this year, our Belfast Harbour-sponsored Youth got Community Spirit competition asked young people to decide what they would buy for their community with £500, and the best 10 ideas were realised. This consultation event is a follow on from that initiative.

Venue: Black Box Cathedral Quarter
Date: Tuesday the 26th of September
Time: (6-8pm)
Pizza and refreshment provided.
If you are interested in bringing a youth group to this event or would like to know more about it, please contact Niamh on  [email protected] 



The Eden Project is an award winning educational charity; connecting people with one another and the living world and exploring how we can work towards a better future. Through our Eden Project Communities work, our aim is to improve the happiness and wellbeing of people across the UK, supporting powerfully ordinary people in building more resilient and better connected communities.
We are the people behind The Big Lunch movement, the UK’s annual get together for neighbours, encouraging stronger more connected communities. Independent research shows during 2017 so far over 9.3 million people have participated in The Big Lunch UK wide.
Eden Communities is Funded by National Lottery. During 2017, Belfast Harbour have provided CSR support locally to take a local, people-led approach to the issues of social isolation and loneliness. We will support young people to play an active role in community spirited activity in their neighbourhoods and communities; sharing sustainable skills and creative ideas between all generations.

Last updated 6 years 9 months ago