Understanding the Female Self through yoga

Every physical and mental aspect of a woman’s adult life is influenced by her daily and monthly hormonal cycles. The Yoga Fellowship of Northern Ireland (YFNI) invites you to find out more about how yoga can help women through their hormone cycles.

Come to YFNI’s workshop on Saturday 22 September at NICVA (from 10am) where the renowned yogini, Dr Ruth Gilmore, will explain how female physiology functions, connecting the regular physical changes experienced in the body with the emotional and psychological ups and downs of the menstrual cycle

With the minimum of medical jargon Dr Ruth will discuss with you common experiences such as painful periods, fibroids, and the menopause (including hot flushes and osteoporosis).  Dr Ruth intends looking at endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome and sub-fertility.  She will examine how yoga practice might be adapted during the monthly cycle – should women practise inversions during a period?  Should they practise asanas at all at that time? 

This interactive, practical day will be invaluable for all women who practice yoga and will no doubt prove very educational for men too!

Places are limited on what will be a very popular day so to secure your place book online at http://www.yfni.co.uk/member-events.html

YFNI members £30 (£20 half day)
Non-members £40 (£25 half day)

A not-for-profit voluntary organisation supporting, promoting and training yoga in Northern Ireland

Enhanced by Zemanta
Last updated 11 years 8 months ago