UN Security Council adopts resolution on Youth, Peace and Security

On 9 December 2015 the United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace & Security. The historical document is the first of its kind to recognize the positive role young people play in building sustainable peace.

UNOY Peacebuilders have been working intensively since 2012 to lay a path leading to this resolution. UNOY Peacebuilders have fostered dialogue between young peacebuilders and policy makers at the international level, bringing young peacebuilders to discuss with representatives at the UN in New York. At the same time, UNOY Peacebuilders have been working with key civil society and institutional partners, including through the Inter-Agency Working Group on Young People’s Participation in Peacebuilding, for the recognition of young people as actors of positive change. 

UNOY Peacebuilders is a network of  60 youth peace organisations in 45 countries.  Beyond Skin is the representative member organisation for Northern Ireland / Ireland.  Claire-Louise from Beyond Skin recently attended the UNOY Peace-builders’ annual Young Peace-builders Forum  in The Hague.

Article: http://www.communityni.org/news/young-musician-and-peace-builder-bangor-represents-n-ireland-global-forum

The United Nations Security Council adopted resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace & Security is the first of its kind to recognize the positive role young people play in building sustainable peace and to lay out the need for governments and other stakeholders to support young people in this role. It represents a landmark for the participation of young people involved in transforming conflict, peacebuilding and countering violence.

"UNOY are an amazing hard working passionate organisation we have so much respect for - this is an great achievement and I congratulate UNOY and the young peacebuilders from around the world that enabled this resolution to be adopted."  Darren Ferguson - Beyond Skin

READ MORE ABOUT RESOLUTION 2250 ON THE UNOY WEBSITE     http://unoy.org/unsc-adopts-resolution-on-youth-peace-and-security/

Last updated 8 years 6 months ago