Trinity Housing teams up with Woodland Trust to make local area greener

Volunteers from Trinity Housing, the Woodland Trust and South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust have teamed up to plant 300 trees provided by the Woodland Trust at Trinity Housing’s supported Housing Scheme, Cedar Court in Downpatrick.

Trinity Housing is pleased to support this project which will improve the local area and help increase native woodland cover.  Cedar Court will enjoy the wide range of benefits trees bring to both local communities and wildlife. 

Ian Kirkpatrick, Chairman of Trinity Housing, commented:

“This is a tangible example of how organisations can work together for the benefit of our environment. Housing Associations should take the lead in setting aside areas of sites that can be utilised in this way.”

 Patrick Cregg, Director of the Woodland Trust in Northern Ireland, said:

“The Trust is delighted to have teamed up with Trinity Housing.  The health benefits of trees and woodland are undisputed.  And this new woodland will be a beautiful natural resource; a place where residents and indeed their families can walk in, relax and get close to nature.” 

The Woodland Trust hopes that other landowners will be inspired to get planting.  The Trust is providing help, advice and in some cases funding to get your tree planting underway.  The Trust’s MOREwoods scheme provides support to landowners wishing to plant a minimum of one hectare (though applications for smaller areas will also be considered). To find out more, call the Woodland Trust on 0845 293 5689 or email [email protected] 


For enquiries contact: Trinity Housing’s Corporate Services team on 028 9069 0250 or email [email protected]

Notes to editors

Trinity Housing: Trinity Housing is a Housing Association registered with the Department for Social Development and provides housing and housing support services throughout Northern Ireland.

Trinity Housing develop, manage and maintain general needs housing, housing for the elderly, and various models of supported housing for people with special needs. 

Further information can be found at

The Woodland Trust: The Woodland Trust is the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity.  It has over 500,000 members and supporters. 

Our aims are:

  • To enable the creation of more native woods and places rich in trees
  • To protect native woods, trees and their wildlife for the future
  • To inspire everyone to enjoy and value woods and trees

Established in 1972, the Woodland Trust now has over 1,000 sites in its care covering approximately 20,000 hectares (50,000 acres).  Access to its sites is free.  Further news can be found at   Here in Northern Ireland the Woodland Trust cares for 49 woods.  These woods contain a mix of recently planted woodland, mature woodland and ancient woodland (that’s land continuously wooded since at least 1600). 

Last updated 11 years 3 months ago