Trial and Error - Securing Rights for Victims and Defendants-6th December

The pursuit of justice presents unique challenges within the trial process, in ensuring and protecting the rights of both victims and defendants.

6th December, Inn of Court, Belfast, 4pm

Drawing on perspectives from the criminal justice system, this event explores conflicting interests within the context of the Human Rights Act, highlighting opportunities for improvement.

Come and hear from a variety of speakers, meet likeminded passionate professionals and learn more about the work of criminal lawyers and the application of the HRA 1998 in Northern Ireland. The Bar of Northern Ireland offers the perfect opportunity for the sector to come together to celebrate, support and evaluation human rights in our community.

We have arranged a line-up of knowledgeable speakers who will share their experiences and stories with the goal of empowering attendees and sharing a unique insight into the workings of courtrooms.


1. Welcome - Michael Duffy BL - Chairman of the Northern Ireland Criminal Bar Association

2. Keynote Speech - The Honourable Mr Justice Treacy

3. A Prosecution Perspective - Ciaran Murphy QC

4. A Defence Perspective - Mark Mulholland QC

5. Roundtable discussion chaired by the His Honour Judge Ramsey QC

Confirmed panelists: 

Geraldine Hanna, Chief Executive of Victim Support

Veronica Holland, Head of Victims and Witnesses of Crime Branch, Department of Justice

Pearse McDermott, Defence Solicitor

6. Drinks Reception.

Spaces are limited, so RSVP via [email protected]

Please note security access arrangements in place on entry to Royal Courts of Justice.

Last updated 7 years 7 months ago