Trauma-Informed Approach Webinar hosted by ASCERT and the Public Health Agency

On 20th February 2023, ASCERT hosted a webinar with the Public Health Agency for professionals who wanted to find out more about how to make their organisations more trauma-informed.

The webinar was opened by Aidan Dawson, Chief Executive, Public Health Agency and was followed by speakers including:

Orla Connolly, Implementation Manager, Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland who spoke about "The Journey Towards Developing Trauma-Informed Organisations"

Deirdre McLaughlin, Connected for Life who presented on "Becoming a Trauma-Informed Organisation"

Elena Brewer, Training Officer, ASCERT told the attendees about "ACE/Trauma Responsive Work in Practice: The MACE Trauma-Informed Practitioner's Toolkit and Handbook"

Margaret Johnston, Discover You NI spoke about "Using the Community Resilience Model to Support the Wellbeing of your Workplace"

The webinar was wrapped up by Kevin Bailey, Regional Lead for Drugs & Alcohol, Public Health Agency with closing remarks.

Over 250 professionals attended the online event from various organisations on both sides of the border, including all the Health Trusts, NI Housing Executive, NSPCC, Department for Justice, PSNI, Mental Health Foundation, Action for Children, Department for Communities, Start 360, Extern, Dunlewey, Simon Community and various local and city councils.

The webinar has been recorded and can be viewed via the link below.  It will be of particular interest to anyone working with adults, children and/or families who may be affected by trauma and who wish to learn more about making their individual practice and organisations more trauma-informed.

For more information on ASCERT visit

Last updated 1 year 4 months ago
A Trauma-Informed Approach Webinar