Transforming Your Care - consultation on health and social care provision

Earlier this month, Minister Edwin Poots launched a public consultation period for Transforming Your Care - the draft plans for health and social service provision over the next 3-5 years. Find out here how you can respond.

The Health and Social Care Board has been asked by the Minister to develop a consultation document and lead the public consultation on the draft plans for service changes, in response to the Review of Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland: Transforming Your Care.

HSBC Chief Executive, John Compton, is inviting and encouraging responses to the consultation, commenting:

"Transforming Your Care highlighted that we have a growing and ageing population. This is to be celebrated and we have much to be proud of in our Health and Social Care system. However, we are likely to face rising demand for our services, and this presents challenges for the future.

"Transforming Your Care is about making changes to ensure we have safe, high quality and sustainable services for our patients, service users and staff. In making these changes, there are choices to be made about how we organise our services to provide the best possible care to everyone in Northern Ireland.

"This consultation is aimed at everyone. We all either use health and social care services, or are highly likely to do so in future; or indeed you may be involved in providing health and social care services. Therefore we are keen to hear from anyone, or any group, who has a view on the proposals outlined in the consultation document."

A copy of the consultation document is available for download here, or at   

The website also has more information and documentation, including the original Report from the Review of Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland, online and downloadable response questionnaires, and the draft Population Plans and Strategic Implementation Plan.

The consultation process will end on 15 January 2013.

How to respond

Comments are invited on the proposals and questions set out in Transforming Your Care: Vision to Action, and a separate response questionnaire is available from,

Responses should be sent to:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Fax: 02890 553625
  • Written: TYC Programme Team, Health and Social Care Board, 12-22 Linenhall St, Belfast, BT2 8BS

Responses can also be made online at [email protected]

A number of public events will take place around Northern Ireland during the consultation period and will be advertised in the local press and on the website when more information is available.

Last updated 6 years 7 months ago