Northern Ireland Hotels Federation (NIHF) and the Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland (FSA in NI) have revealed the Top Ten ‘400 Calories or less’ breakfast options that have been developed by local hospitality providers to celebrate the Year of Foo

Local accommodation providers took up the challenge in January 2016, to develop a breakfast option that not only showcases local produce, but encourages people to kick-start their day with a nutritionally balanced breakfast.

Janice Gault, Chief Executive, Northern Ireland Hotels Federation, says:

“This competition was designed to support the hospitality industry and highlight the versatility within the sector. As a region we are famed for the Ulster Fry but members are responding to changing consumer needs and providing a range of healthy options on their menus. We have some great products to showcase and Northern Ireland is becoming renowned in culinary circles.  We already have an established food production industry with numerous products exported globally on a daily basis which is being enhanced by good food on the ground. To mark the Year of Food and Drink 2016, and to ensure that our hospitality providers are showcasing the talent and creativity that exists within our shores, we invited members from the hotel and guesthouse sector to submit a breakfast suggestion that is 400 Calories or under. 

“Local chefs tested out their breakfast recipes using the FSA’s free online tool MenuCal  to work out the Calorie count of their food. We were very impressed with the range of menu suggestions that were submitted through the competition. There’s everything from curried rice and fresh fish to purple sprouting broccoli, bacon and egg.  We’ve selected the Top Ten breakfasts of 400 Calories or under and we will be actively profiling these in the coming months.”

The Top Ten 400 Calories or Under Breakfast Options included dishes from Belmore Court & Motel, Enniskillen; Cairn Bay Lodge, Bangor; Culloden Estate & Spa, Holywood; Galgorm Resort & Spa, Ballymena, Hilton Templepatrick, Antrim; Holiday Inn, Belfast; Holiday Inn Express, Queen's Quarter; IBIS, Belfast; Salty Dog Hotel, Bangor and Tara Lodge, Belfast.

Julie McKinstry-Harvey, Senior Dietary Health Advisor at the FSA discusses the importance of breakfast and the change in Northern Ireland’s consumers eating habits:

“Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day.  People who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight or obese and have a lower risk of certain diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Consumers are becoming more health conscious and with 1 in 6 meals being eaten out of the home, it’s also important that local business owners are aware of these trends and that they are equipped with the resources to respond to them. The MenuCal tool supports businesses that are keen to offer healthier menu options. By changing ingredients to give a healthier option or by tailoring portion sizes to reduce Calories, businesses can create menus that enhance their customer offering.

“Feedback from the businesses that took up the challenge has been very positive.  They recognise the benefits of MenuCal and the contribution it can make to enhancing profitability and securing repeat custom, while informing consumers of the Calories and allergens that the meals contain.”

MenuCal is a confidential, online resource that allows businesses to provide information to their customers about the 14 main allergen ingredients, inspiring more confidence in consumers about the food they are eating. For further information on MenuCal and to sign up for free visit: You can also access further information on FSA in NI’s webpage at:

Last updated 8 years 4 months ago