Together For You reaches over 24,000 beneficiaries

Since its launch in October 2013, Together For You, a partnership project funded by the Big Lottery Fund, has reached over 24,000 individuals in Northern Ireland with their mental health services.

Led by Action Mental Health (AMH), services are delivered in partnership with Aware Defeat Depression, CAUSE, CRUSE, MindWise, Nexus, PraxisCare, Relate NI and The Rainbow Project.

To celebrate this amazing achievement, and to share the learning gained from delivering the wide range of mental health services delivered across the Together For You partnership, a Shared Learning Event was held today (17th June) in the Park Avenue Hotel, Belfast.

A short promotional video of the day can be seen here:

The day was chaired by David Babington, Chief Executive of Action Mental Health, lead partner on the project and opened by the Minister for Health Simon Hamilton MLA with an inspiring talk on the contribution of the voluntary sector to mental health services, and the benefits of partnership working.

He said “I have long recognised the value of our local voluntary sector. Staff and volunteers have a personal insight into the needs of those they are helping. With this unique perspective they can often devise new, innovative and more person-centred services from those traditionally provided by the statutory sector.

“The ‘Together For You’ services complement those delivered by the five Trusts.  Indeed, it is as a result of the voluntary and statutory sectors working together that we have been able to significantly improve the lives of those living with mental health problems and progress toward the modern and diverse mental health services envisaged by Bamford.”

For further information on the day's events, audio boos of presentations, and presentaion slides, visit the Together For You website.

Last updated 9 years 9 months ago