Time to Celebrate Volunteers Week 2019

'Time to Celebrate' Your Local Heros!

Volunteers’ Week UK 1 – 7 June recognises the contribution volunteers make to our communities every day.

In Northern Ireland, Volunteer Now takes the lead in promoting and encouraging volunteer involving organisations to celebrate their volunteers for all the hard work and commitment they offer.

Denise Hayward, CEO, Volunteer Now explains:

“There are currently over a quarter of a million volunteers in Northern Ireland who all play a vital role; from volunteer drivers to sports coaches, from hospital volunteers to those working in charity shops.  Volunteers’ Week offers the opportunity to shine the spotlight on these local people and give them the recognition and thanks they deserve.”

The theme for this year is ‘Time to Celebrate’ and Volunteer Now has a range of FREE merchandise to help with those celebrations.   Groups can pick up promotional banners, balloons and bunting as well as a downloadable resource pack. To order please contact [email protected] or visit https://www.volunteernow.co.uk/organisations/involving-volunteers/volunteering-campaigns/.


Last updated 5 years 1 month ago