The Telling It Like It Is (TILII) groups launched their new logo on Thursday 20th March 2014 at the ARC NI office, Belfast.

TILII members have been working over the past year to develop and enhance the project. TILII members from across the groups came together to create the new logo, ensuring the ethos and aims of TILII are reflected. The TILII Project Ultimate Goal is to make a better future for people with a Learning Disability! TILII members wanted a new logo that would be recognised across Northern Ireland and reflect what TILII is all about.

TILII Member Alex said:

The new logo is something that everyone can relate to and appreciate, flowers, like people open up and grow strong. TILII has helped me to open up and learn that my opinion as someone with a Learning Disability matters.

TILII is an innovative and unique project aimed at increasing awareness of learning disability in Northern Ireland through empowering individuals with a learning disability. TILII has existing groups in Belfast, Lisburn, Bangor, and Muckamore Abbey Hospital. The new TILII logo is launched in line with a new TILII group in the Down area of Northern Ireland.

A new logo is bringing new life to TILII, it shows like flowers people with Learning Disabilities are living and need help to grow and develop, TILII is rising up. (Robert from TILII)

Representatives from the Belfast and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust and ARC UK Board members were present at the launch of the new logo.

For further information and photos of the launch go to the ARCNI website.


Last updated 10 years 3 months ago