Third Sector can invest in Drumlin Wind Energy Co-operative

This is an opportunity for charities and third sector organisations to invest some of their reserves in a local, ethical and environmentally worthy new social enterprise. NI companies and individuals have first priority on the shares. Closes 21/09/2012

The Drumlin Wind Energy Co-operative has come about through the work of Belfast social entrepreneur, Andrew Murray who has developed five small wind turbine sites to planning consent. When it came to raising the money to build them, he didn’t do the usual thing of selling them to the highest bidder, but instead worked with Energy4All, a social enterprise with the objective of promoting and enabling community ownership through the co-operative model.  Energy4All has created Drumlin and produced an FSA regulated share offer document which was launched on 25th June, last month and runs until September 21st.  If Drumlin can raise £3.4m these turbines will be owned and democratically run by ordinary people in Northern Ireland, rather than a private company.  Readers may be aware that the subsidies for renewable energy are funded through our electricity bills, so this is a way in which any individual or organisation with as little as £250 to invest can get some of that back and being a co-operative there is also a community benefit fund available to the local communities.

For more informaiton and to download a copy of the share offer please visit 


Last updated 12 years 8 months ago