#ThereForMe thanking community minded people
Thankyou is one of the first words we all learn, but sometimes we forget how much a heart felt thankyou matters. New research highlights that for over 48 million people, life feels more uncertain now than just five years ago, but a stronger sense of community is what is helping people counter act political and economic worries. Recognising the people who help us locally with a heartfelt personal thanks is one way we can all take action t o recognise everyone for the part they play in making our communities better places to live.
The Big Lunch is an initiative bringing people together and in the run up to Christmas they are inviting you to join them in celebrating the powerfully ordinary people who support us locally. For those who take part on social media, there’s a little treat in store, as they will be randomly gifting all the way to Christmas day. To join in simply take to social media to share your thankyou using #ThereForme and tag them in.
The research on showed some 73% of the UK population agree life is more uncertain now than just 5 years ago, with 67% of the UK population believing political instability is contributing to the feelings of uncertainty along with the economy and climate change as other key factors. Worryingly over 80% of those surveyed felt that these feelings meant that people were more likely to suffer from mental illness, and that there is a greater risk of crime in society.
To counter division and increasing levels of uncertainty, 88% of people surveyed said that strong community bonds are so important, equating to 59 million people across the UK. The new research findings suggest that efforts to increase neighbourhood connection, are now more important than ever.
The Big Lunch initiative is partnered by National Lottery and now in its tenth year of bringing people together and celebrating community spirit. Local manager Grainne McCloskey said “Between now and Christmas, why not tweet for good, thank a neighbour or someone who has supported you using the hashtag #ThereForMe. The Big Lunch will be randomly selecting participants for thankyou treats to share or pass on and publicly highlighting the importance of stronger communities and encouraging people to bring their neighbours together by organising a Big Lunch next June. Over the last ten years those organising The Big Lunch where they live, have made small but incredibly meaningful contributions to their neighbourhoods and it is the local community spirit that keeps us all going in the face of serious political and economic instability and continued austerity. This simple social media campaign is just about recognising the importance of simple kindness and thanking people for the things they do for us helps build a more collaborative and supportive community.
#ThereForMe idea is supported by actress, Loose Woman and Podcaster, Nadia Sawalha, speaking at the launch Sawalha said: “At a time when the country feels so divided and disconnected, it’s great to celebrate those people who you know look out for you. That’s why The Big Lunch is encouraging all of us to publicly thank neighbours and people who have been #ThereForMe. It could be stepping in to babysit, lending you tools, keeping an eye on your home when you go on holiday – small acts of positivity make the world go round and good neighbours are a real asset, especially when other parts of life are so uncertain. That’s why I’m backing this campaign to encourage us all to say thanks and give our #ThereForMe nominees a big public pat on the back.”
Peter Stewart director of the Eden Project, home of The Big Lunch, said: “There are millions of stories of neighbours helping each other out close to home, so it’s fantastic to be celebrating ordinary people who go out of their way to help others. That’s the spirit of The Big Lunch and why we’re encouraging people to share their own special stories. Share your very own #ThereForMe story with us and help us highlight just how important strong bonds in our neighbourhoods and communities really are to you.”
Shine a light on someone special by posting your story and thanks on Twitter with #ThereForMe.
Suggested tweet
Take part in this heart-warming campaign and say ‘thank you for being #ThereForMe’ to someone in your community www.TheBigLunch.com/ThereForMe @edencommunities @TheBigLunch_NI
or https://tinyurl.com/wfbdr7d)
Make your own personal ThankYou use #ThereForMe and encourage others too.
About The Big Lunch
- In 2020 The Big Lunch takes place on the weekend of 6 -7 June.
- The Big Lunch brings people together. Every year on average 6 million people meet to share food and fun as they get to know each other.
- The Big Lunch is an idea from the Eden Project made possible by the National Lottery.
- It’s an initiative run by the Eden Project Communities team who encourage people to make positive change where they live.
- Eden Project started The Big Lunch in 2009 believing we’re better equipped to tackle challenges when we face them together.
- The Big Lunch enables communities to fundraise. £8.2m was raised by organisers in 2019 for things that matter to them most.
- To sign up for The Big Lunch 2020, or for tips and ideas about how to bring people in your community together go to thebiglunch.com or call 0845 850 8181 to speak to our team.
- The Big Lunch can be found @edencommunities on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
About The National Lottery Community Fund
The National Lottery Community Fund is the largest community funder in the UK and proud to award money raised by National Lottery players to communities across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Since June 2004, they have made over 200,000 grants and awarded over £9 billion to projects that have benefited millions of people.

Eden Project Communities
Eden Project Communities
C/o The National Lottery Community Fund
United Kingdom