Tennent’s NI Raises £18.5k for Friends

Friends of the Cancer Centre is celebrating a £18,586 donation from its friends at Tennent’s NI.

Employees of the leading Northern Ireland drinks company selected the organization as its designated charity of the year and they have just completed twelve months tackling sponsored activities which ranged from a wax-athon, spin-athon, abseiling and 5K run to a Big Breakfast, Treasure Hunt and Golf Day. No charity stone was left unturned as they dreamed up creative activities to challenge themselves - and occasionally some of their customers in the hospitality industry – to raise the fundraising stakes! 

Brian Beattie, Marketing Director for Tennent’s NI was delighted at the employees’ achievement in raising £18,568 for the charity which provides vital support to Northern Ireland’s regional centre for cancer care at the City Hospital in Belfast, as well as providing help for cancer patients and their families right across Northern Ireland.

He said, “This is a good cause which had huge resonance with all of us at Tennent’s NI for most of us have someone within our family or know someone within our circle of friends who has been affected by cancer.  Because we knew that the money we raised would help the charity’s vital work we all threw ourselves into support and we certainly lived up to our campaign’s theme to ‘Make time for Friends’!

“Although we like to put the ‘fun’ into our fundraising activities, we take our company’s corporate social responsibility seriously and we recognize the importance and value of ‘putting something back’ into the community in which we live, socialize and work.  For all of us at Tennent’s NI it has been a privilege to be associated with this wonderful charity and to find out more about the amazing work that is being done in cancer treatment, support and research right here in Northern Ireland.

“Our thanks go to all those who donated directly to the campaign or attended Tennent’s NI fundraising events and, of course, a special thank you to those who put so much hard work and creativity in organizing our charity programme. We know that every penny raised will be put to good use by Friends of the Cancer Centre, making life better for cancer patients and their families.”

Welcoming the mega donation, Claire Hogarth from Friends of the Cancer Centre, says, “The team at Tennent’s NI have been wonderful and we were completely overwhelmed by how they have really got behind the charity.  I would like to thank them for the amazing sum of money they have raised as it will be used to fund our life- saving and life-changing projects in clinical care, patient comfort and care, and research.  Thousands of people attend the Cancer Centre every year and we’re here to make sure that they get the best care possible and are as comfortable as possible during their time here.  From funding thousands of cups of tea and coffee for patients in the hospital’s Bridgewater Suite, to funding vital nurses and research; every penny raised by the team at Tennent’s NI will make a huge difference to the work that we do and most importantly, it will make a real and lasting difference to the lives of thousands of patients across Northern Ireland.” 

For further information on Friends of the Cancer Centre please visit www.friendsofthecancercentre.com or call 028 9069 9393.

Last updated 8 years 10 months ago