Survey: Play opportunities for children with disabilities

Do playgrounds in Northern Ireland allow your child (or adult) with disabilities or other needs, to take part?

The Mae Murray Foundation and PlayBoard NI are surveying parents and carers on play opportunities for children with disabilities. We are particularly interested in your views on fixed play areas i.e. play areas which have play equipment installed. The information gathered through the survey will be used as the basis for a new guidance document which will aim to influence the design and development of more inclusive play areas that meet the needs of all children.

You can complete the survey at before 30 April 2019.

Please share the survey - the more people that take part, the bigger the impact we can make and the louder you and your child's voices are heard! 

For more information on PlayBoard, the lead organisation for the development and promotion of children and young people’s play go to

For more on the Mae Murray Foundation, the all-ability, membership-led organisation go to

Last updated 5 years 3 months ago