Support for local groups in Northern Ireland using Sport for Development

Local Northern Ireland groups have benefited from funding and capacity building support from sported. the UK's leading sport for development charity.

Do you work with 11-25year olds?  Do you use sport to make a postive impact on the lives of young people?  If so sported. may be able to help with funding and capacity building support.

Sported is the leading UK sport for development charity – empowering community groups to improve the lives of disadvanged young people through sport and providing a voice for the sport for development sector.

Having opened for membership in March 2012 we are now have over 145 members across Northern Ireland and these include sports clubs, community groups and youth groups.  Local Northern Ireland member groups have already benefited from our grant funding,  mentor support and capacity building training.   Learn more


In order to access our support groups must be members of sported.   Becoming a Member of sported. is free  and you can apply on line for membership at

Groups interested in becoming Members must be working with young people aged 11-25 and use sport for development. 

Sport for development outcomes include:

  • Developing the confidence, workplace and lifeskills of young people;
  • Reducing crime and anti-social behaviour;
  • Removing barriers to regular participation in sport for marginalised groups 
  • Building strong communities
  • Education in health and wellbeing. 

Our skilled volunteer programme is now rolling out across Northern Ireland and we are now looking for volunteers throughout Northern Ireland.   sported. Volunteers can support groups with a range of organisational development issues including: strategic planning; business planning;  writing funding applications; finance and marketing.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a member or  volunteering opportunities with sported then visit: or contact Brenda Kelly at


Last updated 12 years ago